Wandering the web world, I found a very interesting and well proven project for you. Spend a few minutes while reading this review, I promise you will like this project and its awesome ideas. Apart from this, this review will be different from the one made for carbon copies, I will try to include the maximum amount of information and details, so that you have all the details of the project, past experience of team members, analogs and competitors.
Enjoy it .. !!!!
ALCEDO creates an ecosystem that integrates blockchan technology into everyday life. It provides cryptocyurrency and can be used by everyone in the world. To access the ALCEDO platform only one smartphone and internet access is required. Its mission is to give customers easy access to crypto currencies. Since 2016, we have developed and programmed platforms with database for savings plans, gold and cryptocyurrency and have received very good market recognition. We offer interested parties, as we believe or are interested in crypto currencies, as a method of payment in the near future, there is smooth and transparent access using the ALCEDO platform. Our forum allows you to pay cash or non-cash, and also supports all major crypto currencies. See: https://www.alcedoplatform.com/#whitepaper
The ALCEDO platform includes all the functions needed to process cryptocurrency operations. The ALCEDO ecosystem can handle different types of cryptocurrency, wallet and coins. ALCEDO team continually improves the system, and exports crypto ATMs from well-known manufacturers (GeneralBytes, Lamassu). It is possible to integrate other crypto machines by integrating ATM into ALCEDO platform. Freedom of the producers guarantees efficient and economical ALCEDO business. Using a specially developed connection API, which is different from others, is the latest crypto purchase and sales price in the ALCEDO platform. It is also proposed to exchange cryptocourrency for paper money (for example, euro), and vice versa.
All transactions are recorded in the database on the ALCDODO platform and are available on request. In addition to the crypto ATM, the service point will help ALCEDO customers through the internal service platform. The ALCEDO ecosystem provides unique opportunities with individual support for purchasing and selling cryptocyurances outside of the internet market and with platform support. They will help in using ATMs and will answer all the questions about cryptocyurrency. ALCEDO-Cell smartphones make cryptocurrence processing much simpler. It is easy to send and receive different coins. In the initial stage, bitocoines tokens, ETHs, and ALCEDO will be added, but this limitation will be extended from time to time. This wallet is designed to work together with crypto ATMs and ALCEDO platforms. For a euro exchange in cryptocurrency, the process is almost identical to receiving coins in the machine, i.e. scan the QR code and get coins. The mobile app includes a map showing all cryptocurrency ATM locations in Germany.
ALCEDO b dumper is built with the highest safety standards. After downloading and registering, all users of this wallet will receive 10 free ALCEDO coins. The POS-terminal (or the place of sale) acts as an intermediary between retailers and customers and provides the ability to make transactions and purchases on the basis of any cryptourrency. Most terminals are currently outdated and do not have an interface to accept cryptocycenes. ALCEDO provides a new solution with high-quality POS-terminals that can connect and interact with the platform. With that POS terminal, customers will be able to pay for their purchases with cryptourrency. Terminal will handle crypto currencies, as well as regular, secure and secure customer cards. The trader will be paid the amount to the trader, either in cryptocurrence or selected Fiat currency (Euros) directly into the seller's account using the integration with the ALCEDO platform. These terminals are still being developed, but they will be in the market soon. ALCEDO Coins is one of the most important components of the project and it is designed as ERC-20 on Blockchen Etherium. Every user with 10,000 ALCE on the ALCEDO platform does not need to pay a commission fee while using the platform. ALCEDO Coins is one of the most important components of the project and it is designed as ERC-20 on Blockchen Etherium. Every user with 10,000 ALCE on the ALCEDO platform does not need to pay a commission fee while using the platform. ALCEDO Coins is one of the most important components of the project and it is designed as ERC-20 on Blockchen Etherium. Every user with 10,000 ALCE on the ALCEDO platform does not need to pay a commission fee while using the platform.
ALCE PRECO price: 1 ALCE = 0.2 EUR
Price: 1 ALCE = 0.4 EUR
Payment received: ETH, BTC, Fiat
Minimum investment: 50 EUR
Soft Cap: 100 000 EUR
Hard Cap: 16 000 000 EUR
Whitelist / KYC: Yes
Forbidden Regions: America, Afghanistan, China
As a result, I saw projects that were well thought out with aggressive ambitions and every opportunity to feel them!
This project has been implemented very simply and there are very big tasks and good ideas to solve many problems at the same time!
Most of the projects have very good rankings on the lists, and it is fair, looking at almost unique ideas and professional applications.
The project team does everything in its power to support and improve the project. She likes to answer all the questions of community and investors. And most importantly, it will not disappear after the ICO! And this is very important in our day. As I said, project estimates are very high, and they are not given by ordinary people, but by professionals! I advise you to study this project in more detail, I have a lot of potential in it!
I am very glad that you have read up to the end, and that means you like my review and the project. And this is the main thing I want to achieve by working on this review. I try to understand all the information collected at least and in simpler form, which is the easiest!
Thank you very much for being with me.
I hope you are lucky and know more about the project that attracts many investors !!!
More Information :
Website : https://www.alcedoplatform.com/
ANN THREAD : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5070994.0
Whitepaper : https://www.alcedoplatform.com/assets/images/Alcedo-whitepaper-eng.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/alcedoplatform
Twitter : https://twitter.com/CoinAlcedo
Medium : https://medium.com/@CoinAlcedo
Telegram : https://t.me/alcedoplatform1